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Vollkommenheit by Eskoriachan

Artist's Comments

Presenting Henriette!!!!
One of the main Characters from AZAZEL CIII Deux ex machina
look like 30 years old (+/-), multiple personalities, she doesn’t remember his past etc expert sniper and can handle heavy metals and morphs them to weapons etc etc

Introducing her a little…. She older than 130+ years old… but she only remembers the last 100….. Now in the 203X (no dates yet) appears the machine that creates her…. Her first memories….. So her start to fight to get the machine… but she’s not the only….. There are so many people involved with that machine…. The last remain of the old AZAZEL project….

Dedicated to Jan hellsing


This is only an illustration... means that I’m not aligned to certain ideology or group or wareva. So I only will receive comments about the art NOT critiques about symbols or words or etcetera. If u doesn’t like it go away and get lost!!! nobody likes u!!!! AND DON’T STEAL!!!

Henriette, AZAZEL (c) Naoko_K (Naoko Kurumada) 2008

Medium and tools:photoshop CS2 and ink lineart

Note: sooo confusing DA categories n.n;

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