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I see you down there... by CheungKinMen

Artist's Comments

My first full background piece, with Batz swinging around. (Well technically my second). As always I wanted to try and do some more foreshorthening, this time with a not-so-distorted perspective, I think, lol.

I looooooove rain, so I wanted to make use of it. I'm not quite happy with the background, I think I could have done a wider shot showing the city streets, but meh, I can do that later. I'm happy the way Batz turned out, I've been trying to do that swinging like pose for a few days and almost gave up upon it, but I finally figured it out, never done that pose BTW.

Painted in photoshop as always. Hope you all likey :)

NOTE : Sorry for the blurry pic, I might upload a clearer one.

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